Working with Delphix python module (delphixpy) part 2
Delphix Express is no longer offered, but these examples will work with your Delphix installation
Ack. Sorry for taking so long to get this second part out, everyone! In this blog I explain the very basics of how to translate what you do in the Delphix GUI to python via the delphixpy module. Here is what we cover:
- List the databases in our Landshark environment via the GUI
- Discuss the GUI to CLI mapping
- List the databases in our Landshark enviornment via the CLI
- Enable tracing and then repeat step 2
- Discuss the tracing output
- Discuss the CLI to python mapping
- Establishing a connection to Delphix via python
- Discuss invoking the delphixpy namespace operators
- Working with the delphixpy value objects
Below is my video; but first, here are some links that I reference in my video that you may want to quickly glance over before you watch. Feel free to explore with the cookbooks on our documentation page after you watch the video.
Also, as an aside, if you are using Delphix Express, you may need specify an older version of the module. When going into the CLI in the tutorial, type version and hit enter. That is the API version you are using. Replace delphixpy.v1_6_0.delphix_engine in the tutorial with delphixpy.vX_X_X.delphix_engine where X_X_X is the X.X.X number from the version command.
I hope this is helpful in getting you going. My next blog in the series should come next week and be about using the delphixpy module to create snapshot of VDB’s.
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